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Fort Wayne Chiropractor

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Non-Surgical Treatments for the Relief of Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Neuropathy Pain & Numbness

Looking for a chiropractor in Fort Wayne? If you suffer from back pain, neck pain or neuropathy, carpal tunnel, or knee pain, you're not alone. Most of our chronic pain patients have tried everything to find pain relief - from addictive medications, epidurals, and even neck or back surgery. As the leader in the non-surgical treatment of chronic pain, Fort Wayne Chiropractor, Busch Chiropractic, offers safe, effective, non-surgical treatments for the relief of chronic pain conditions including back pain, neck pain, herniated disc, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and peripheral neuropathy pain and numbness.

Best Chiropractor in Fort Wayne, IN

Named America's Best Chiropractor in 2014, and Best Chiropractor in Fort Wayne and one of the Top 10 chiropractors in Indiana in 2015, Dr. Busch and his team at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center have helped thousands of patients get relief from chronic back pain conditions.

As a “Patient-Centered Healthcare” clinic, we focus on non-surgical pain relief from chronic disc conditions and provide treatment with the DRS Protocol®, spinal decompression, and the Busch Neuropathy Treatment Protocol, as well as quality chiropractic care.

Fort Wayne chiropractor, Dr. Richard E. Busch, III, has developed and exclusively offers these nationally recognized protocols at Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, IN.  Dr. Richard E. Busch, III, nationally recognized chiropractor, author, speaker, and President Emeritus of The American Chiropractor magazine, utilizes the DRS Protocol® for the safe, noninvasive, and pain-free treatment of neuropathy as well as acute and chronic disc conditions.

We Provide Chiropractic Pain Relief Treatments for the following conditions:

The DRS Protocol® which utilizes non-surgical spinal decompression therapy for the treatment of back pain and neck pain is a complete and customized program that implements the most progressive procedures based on individual patient needs. Since 1996, Dr. Busch has successfully treated thousands of patients suffering from chronic and severe disc conditions and works inter-professionally with the medical community. Many doctors refer their patients, including their senior patients, for DRS Protocol®, as it is a successful and safe procedure, rather than have them face invasive alternatives such as back surgery or a lifetime of addictive medications.

Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne

Contact Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne today to discuss your own personal condition. Let us help you find relief from your pain and get on the road to recovery. Call us today at 1-888-471-4090 if you have sciatic pain, neck pain, back pain, had failed back surgery pain, degenerative disc, sciatica, bulging disc, herniated disc or peripheral neuropathy pain and numbness. Or, schedule an appointment online.

Busch Chiropractic is a Chiropractor in Fort Wayne serving Northeast Indiana, Southern Michigan, and Northwest Ohio.

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Watch our patient testimonials

Leo found a solution for back pain relief with the DRS Protocol

Busch Chiropractic patient, Leo, found relief for his back pain through the DRS Protocol® spinal decompression!

The DRS Protocol Saved My Life

After undergoing back surgery, Rick still suffered with severe pain in his lower back. The DRS Protocol® back pain treatment relieved the pain and allowed Rick to return to work pain-free!

I no longer need to use a walker or take pain medications!

The DRS Protocol® back pain treatment at Busch Chiropractic allowed Janice to live a normal, pain-free life without addictive medications.

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